Our experience enables us to offer counselling services to meet the needs of children, youth, and adults with neurodiversity and/or complex trauma
Our mission is to empower individuals and their loved ones from the inside out. One of the hardest things for a parent is to see their child suffer and not be sure how to help. When a child is struggling, it affects everyone around them. Working with diverse families: birth, foster, adopted, and chosen is an integral part of the work that we do. We aim to provide tools to help children attach themselves and be who they are meant to be. Play Therapy, combined with the collaboration between therapist and parent, guardian, or caregiver, guides long-term healing. Focusing on family also extends to our work with adults. Evaluating family-of-origin issues and emphasizing building current support networks can be part of the therapeutic process.
We are focused on improving the lives of individuals with FASD and other neurotypes across BC and Canada. Our goals are: preventing prenatal alcohol exposure, training professionals on how to meet the needs of individuals with neurodiversity, and advocating for increased access to tailored services such as honest, non-judgmental prenatal care and researched informed interventions for individuals from birth to adulthood. We are also committed to counselling, educating, and activism from an anti-oppressive, anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-ablest and LGBTQ2IA+ honouring framework to dismantle oppressive systems and colonization for all equity seeking folx.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
It can be difficult to find someone who understands what you need on your path to healing. As a BIPOC clinician with the lived experience as a parent of two neurodivergent children, we see clients from diverse backgrounds who have varied and complex, presenting challenges and treatment goals. Counselling is a relationship. When you walk in the door, we hope to learn what it is like to be you and how we can walk beside you on your therapeutic journey. Our goal is to meet you where you are and guide you to be the hero in your story.
“The hardest and most important lesson in life is to learn how to be yourself.”
– Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S
As human beings, we are given a marvellous coping mechanism in our biology called the nervous system. When we perceive any form of challenge in our lives, our nervous system gets activated to either rev up (hyperarousal) or slow down (hyperarousal). Every symptom that an individual struggle with is rooted in an inability for the nervous system to get them back to a state of regulation. For individuals with neurodiversity and/or have experienced trauma, the nervous system's activation and the associated symptoms are even more profound. Our goal is to provide our clients and their loved ones understanding of why certain symptoms are presenting and how to regulate through all of life's challenges.
Individual, group, couples, and family counselling available for children, youth, and adults from birth and beyond. Virtual sessions available.
Through the FASD Institute, consultation and clinical supervision is available for students, mental health clinicians, housing programs, organizations and agencies
Through the FASD Institute, professional training on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), neurodiversity, play therapy and trauma
Please note that a credit card number is required on file for any online bookings. If this may pose an issue, please contact us directly to book.
If you would like to learn more about FASD Counselling and Consultation or Natascha Lawrence and how we can help you, please book a free 15-minute telephone consultation.
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Click on the link to learn about exciting training about neurodiversity through a social justice framework.